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Did you know RBI Grade B Officer 2014
All-India 1st Rank Madhav Joshi was an Empower student?
If you too want to be successful, enrol with Empower!
New batches for IBPS, CMAT, Staff Selection. From 26 December.
Call 991 3676 937 / 937 4128 002 now! Hurry! Limited Seats!
Enrol before 28 December 2016 and save Rs. 1500/- in fees!
Empower – the first academy in Saurashtra exclusively for CAT and MBA/MCA Entrance Exams – was established in 1999 by Mayank Batavia, BE, MBA . Over the years, the students of Empower have brought almost astonishing results at institutes of national repute: the IIMs, IRMA, MICA, Symbiosis, NMIMS, IIT-SOM,… Our students have performed with equal excellence at state-level exams like the GCET too.
Empowering Students
We firmly believe that in each student lies an infinite reservoir of untapped potential – a potential that would be best tapped by empowering the student. Our focus lies beyond the specific topics that various competitive exams demand: we strive to develop thinking skills of the student. Solving a particular problem, though necessary, is considered enough, we strive to develop problem-solving skills. This brings about an enduring and almost dramatic change.
Real Experts
Empower regularly conducts workshops by real experts to ensure the best training inputs. For example, Ms Munira Lokhandwala (IIM-C), the serial CAT topper with and 100-percentiler, conducted a 2-day workshop exclusively for Empower. Past achievers from Empower (e.g. Naresh Arlani GCET 1st rank 2004) and other professionals regularly interact with Empower’s students.